
This page is for references to texts, both of my own making but also the texts of others that I really like for all sorts of different reasons.


I have studied mathematics alongside my education in physics, and since I originally aspired to work in theoretical quantum information, much of the mathematics I picked up along the way, is tangential so quantum theory. Since my focus recently changed to mathematical modelling of infectious diseases, much of recent education in mathematics have been characterized of applied mathematics, in particular in networks, dynamical systems and computational/numerical modelling. I have compiled a list of my publications of academic papers.


The notes I have written, are primarily for my own sake. They contain results from physics and mathematics. You are free to use these notes for any non-commercial use you see fit, and may share them freely, again under the restriction that it is for non-commercial use only. My notes are accessible here

Reading/watching/listening recommendations

This is simply a list of some reading I have done wich I can recommend for both entertainment and education. The list is probably not comprehensive, but I will make the attempt to make it so and to keep it updated.


Short stories

Academic papers