In case you want to keep up with my sientific work i can offer the following: a RSS-feed for keeping up with my scientifis publications:
A report on the estimated effect of the danish COVID-19 screening programme in DK. The repport is in danish, and can be found here.
We analyze the effectiveness of testing programmes for infectious diseases, in which the testing freqency for the individuals is heterogenously distributed for the population. The preprint is available here.
A repport on the outlook for reduktion of the contact number, due to low-latency testing in the setting of workplaces and institutions. The repport is in danish, and can be found here. NB: It even got some attention from the Danish National Broadcasting.
Report on the dependency of seasonality of Covid-19 outbreaks in Denmark. The repport is in danish, and can be found here.
A piece on the B.1.1.7 variant and the effects of the introduction of this variant on infectivity and contact number. The full article should be available here. Finally, there is an appendix that might be interesting for high-schoolers (or anyone else interested) to serve as an example and the application of the logistic equation. It is available as a link in the article text as a pdf doc.
On the transition between the $\alpha$- and $\delta$-variants of SARS-CoV2 in DK. The full article should be available here.