I have also done quite a bit in science communication and outreach, both in regard to mathematics and physics.
Copenhagen Science Slam
Like poetry slam, but with short science-talks. I won in 2011, with the special theory of relativity, and after that assisted in arranging a couple of science slams.
I have been a volunteer at Matematikcenter, a non-profit organization for homework-help and teaching in mathematics targeted at high-school students. In that process, I have recorded some 30-ish videos, that can be viewed on Matematikcenters channel.
Computer Science and Programming
Through my education in physics, not much programming were (surprisingly) needed. After I were actually in an environment in which I needed to APPLY knowledge (shocks!) to disease modelling, I have become much more comfortable both with programming and computers. This have lead me to the highly non-unique philosophy that “if you can’t implement it, you probably have not understood it”
The notes that exists on this site, are notes written primarily for my own sake. Partially as an exercise in checking that I have actually understood a subject, partially to save and communicate this knowledge. You are free to use these notes for any non-commercial use you see fit, and may share them freely, again under the restriction that it is for non-commercial use only. It is work in process, and I upload these notes as I get them transcribed. My notes on are accessible here.
I have studied mathematics alongside my education in physics, and since I originally aspired to work in theoretical quantum information, much of the mathematics I picked up along the way, is tangential to quantum theory. Since my focus changed to mathematical modelling of infectious diseases, much of recent education in mathematics have been characterized by applied mathematics, graph theory, adaptive dynamics, complex and stochastic modelling, and dynamical systems.
I received a masters degree in physics from University of Copenhagen in 2017.