== Christian Berrig's website ==

Computer Science and Programming

Through my education in physics, not much programming were (surprisingly) needed. After I were actually in an environment in which I needed to APPLY knowledge (shocks!) to disease modelling, I have become much more comfortable both with programming and computers. This have lead me to the highly non-unique philosophy that “if you can’t implement it, you probably have not understood it”

I am here talking about scientific computing and the subject matter laying the ground for e.g. simulations and statistical modeling, and not highly complex software like e.g. browsers, which frankly have grown to such gargantuan sizes today that they are incomprehensible behemoths to anyone not working with these on daily basis.

Beside the many years (since ca 2011) of Python and \LaTeX experience that (almost) every physicist eventually will acquire, I have also now, since ca 2017, dipped my toes in other languages, frameworks and tools.

You are of course welcome to check out my projects on Github, but i warn you; Its an unholy mess!

Programming languages

Here are some thoughts on the languages I know and their relations.

Software Tools

Here are some recommendations for software that I think is awesome.