== Christian Berrig's website ==


Interests and hobbies

I Enjoy tinkering with computers, maths and reading. My latest interests include the ethical, technical and legislative battles fought in regards to the digital space, public goods and economic distribution/equality. In maths, I have recently stumbled into the rabbit-hole of Bayesian inference, in particular using the statistical software-tool of STAN.

This is my online presence!

There are many reasons to make a website. Mine are, that I would like to maximize personal independence when it concerns the digital space. I aim to do so while also in several different ways:

  • Using code that is licensed with copyleft licences
  • Minimizing the code base I use that allows this high degree of independence.

Social media platforms are therefore quite undesirable to me, since these not only discourage, but also disallow digital independence. The personal website is an awesome alternative. Building a website also provides you with a chance to get a little insight in the technicalities of how the internet works. This also makes it clear why most of the web is currently broken.